Home Networks VCP-NV: Configure and Manage vSphere Networking

VCP-NV: Configure and Manage vSphere Networking

by admin

This VCP-NV objective is around understanding the existing virtual switch technologies available with vSphere. These are the standard vSwitch and the Distributed vSwitch.  The specific objectives for this section of the VCP-NV are:

  1. Configure and Manage vSphere Standard Switches (vSS)
  2. Configure and Manage vSphere Distributed Switches (vDS)
  3. Configure and Manage vSS and vDS Policies

Rather than go into detail on these topics in this post, I’ll link to some of the posts I created as part of my VCAP-DCA study guide, along with some other relevant VMware documentation.

In terms of my posts, the best place to start would be this one, all about vSwitch policies and teaming settings. My other posts on virtual networking include:

Migrate a vSS network to a Hybrid or Full vDS solution
Configure vSS and vDS settings using command line tools
Analyze command line output to identify vSS and vDS configuration details
Configure NetFlow
Determine appropriate discovery protocol (CDP, LLDP)
Determine use cases for and configure VLAN Trunking
Determine use cases for and configure PVLANs
Use command line tools to troubleshoot and identify VLAN configurations
Understand the NIC Teaming failover types and related physical network settings
Determine and apply Failover settings
Configure explicit failover to conform with VMware best practices
Configure port groups to properly isolate network traffic
Understand the use of command line tools to configure appropriate vDS settings on an ESXi host
Determine use cases for and apply Port Binding settings
Configure Live Port Moving
Given a set of network requirements, identify the appropriate distributed switch technology to use
Configure and administer vSphere Network I/O Control
Use command line tools to troubleshoot and identify configuration items from an existing vDS


Aside from the links here, it is recommended to read through VMware’s vSphere Networking document, and be comfortable with the topics it contains. Check out the VMware HOLs too as there is an excellent one covering dvSwitch configuration.

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